by Michelle Gill

of the easiest things that I have done for my family is to raise
chickens. I have one special girl and her name is Marcy. She loves to
follow me around and talk to me. When I pick her up, she lays her sweet
little head on my shoulder. I have chickens for the purpose of eggs
and as pets to be daily cared for by my daughter.
This is my third set of girls. We get them as chics in the spring. I have two Rhode Island Reds, two Golden Comets, and three Silver-laced Wyandottes at the moment. Golden Comets are my favorite for laying large eggs and their friendliness. But my Wyandottes are beautiful, as you can see in the picture above.
This is my third set of girls. We get them as chics in the spring. I have two Rhode Island Reds, two Golden Comets, and three Silver-laced Wyandottes at the moment. Golden Comets are my favorite for laying large eggs and their friendliness. But my Wyandottes are beautiful, as you can see in the picture above.
What you will need to care for your chickens:
- a chicken coop with a roost and laying box
- a chicken yard (We have hawks so we have fencing on top as well.)
- chicken food
- water
- straw
They love vegetable and bread scraps. I let them out to wander around every evening and as the sun sets, they go to their roost. Then I shut the door so no critters will get in.
Here is one of my favorite recipes that is super easy:
Gluten-free Easy Breakfast Casserole
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