Sunday, September 6, 2015

Precious Gems

Compiled by Lois Breneman
Thanks to all the moms who allowed me to include their children's quotes in Heart to Heart!
Malakai (7): "Mommy, will you button my very top button? I don't want the girls to see my chest." ~ Danielle in Alabama
Maddie (6): Mom, I am so glad you teach us to chew with our mouth closed, because when others don't it's just GROSS!
Me: See there are reasons your daddy and I teach you what we do so you grow up to be a well-mannered adult.
Maddie: Yes, and I'm just sooooo glad you teach us to brush our teeth because we don't want all yellow funky teeth!
My thoughts: Well some of it's sinking in, but I just don't have words for all that she says to us!!! ~ Jessica in Virginia
Malakai (7) upon walking outside this afternoon: "Sheesh!  It feels like steaming hamburgers out here!" ~ Danielle in Alabama
We're driving over the Mississippi River, and Dillon (3) says, "Going by to see Mr.Sippy?!?" ~ Tiffany in Virginia
Aiden (9): Mommy, when I grow up I'm going to open a restaurant and you will get to come see me and eat dinner with me every night. Camden will be my security guard.
Camden (5): Oh sweet!  Aiden, will you give me a gun?
Aiden (9): Well, duh!  Your job is to protect all the money we will make.
Mason (3): Yay!  Food!
Aiden (9):  Camden you're probably going to have to guard the food also from Mason, but don't shoot him.  He's cute. ~ Bethany in Virginia
Amiya (7) praying at dinner with friends: "Dear Lord, thank you for our customers that came to eat dinner with us..." ~ Danielle in Alabama
At Walmart while talking with the young lady ringing up our groceries: She's telling us she's saving for college and wants to be a teacher or open her own bakery so she can be her own boss.
Malakai (7) says: "Well, you'll still have a boss because God will always be your boss."
She thanked him for that reminder and told him he was a very philosophical little boy. ~ Danielle in Alabama

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