Thursday, April 30, 2015

Precious Gems

Compiled by Lois Breneman

Thanks, ladies, for your permission to include your children's quotes in Heart to Heart!

Amiya (7): "Mommy, did you know Jesus knows everyone's name in Spanish too!?"
I asked Malakai (7) if he liked his snack. His answer: "Okay, Mom, let me tell you something so you can know next time. If I eat all of it, that means I liked it and I ate all of it, so, you know..." ~ Danielle in Alabama
Malakai (7): "Do bosses have a job other than following people around all day?" ~ Danielle in Alabama
You know your 4 year old is growing up too fast when you tell her to go get the stool and she comes back in high heel shoes instead...  It works though. ~ Jennifer in Virginia
Me: "Hey, Charlotte, tell me some words that start with the letter A."
Charlotte (4): "B"
Me: "No, like Apple, Annabelle, Aquaman, or Apricot."
Charlotte: "Oh!  I know what an Apricot is!"
Me: "What is it?"
Charlotte: "It's when you choke on the food in your mouth...hey, did you know that the moon and the sun are friends, but the clouds don't like the sun?" ~ Promise in Virginia
Overheard at my house from the bedroom of a two year old not interested in taking a nap- "Knock, knock. Anybody home?" ~ Mary Beth in Virginia 

Five Year Old: "Mommy, when I grow up, I'm going to be a big sister, just like my Sissy!" doesn't really work like that... ~ Amy in Virginia
Malakai (7): "Someone called me a weirdo at school."
Me: "Oh really, why?"
Malakai: "Cause I was doing something weird (giggles)." ~ Danielle in Alabama
Apparently the time has come to not ask this question anymore.....
Me: Austin, did you miss me at school today?
Austin (7): Nope. (Without a moment's hesitation, might I add?)
Me: Well...that's not very nice.
Austin: Sorry but I didn't!
And there you have it. ~ Emily in Virginia
I asked Savannah (7) to help me by feeding her one year old sister. She said, "Mom, she ate this whole bowl and wants something else and I haven't even gotten to sit down yet!"  Welcome to my world. ~ Lauren in Virginia

Homeschool funny of the day: When reading about Quakers in history in regards to war, I asked Andrew (12), "What are Quakers known for?" His answer...."Oatmeal." ~ Stefanie in Delaware

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