Thursday, April 30, 2015

A Supernatural Cashmere and Cotton

by Michelle Gill - Used by permission

Before my baby goes to sleep at night I cover her with her bed sheet and horse comforter but more importantly I cover her with blessings and prayer.  Our blessings and our prayers are like laying the most snuggly supernatural cashmere and cotton blanket over our children.  God tells us to pray without ceasing and that our prayers accomplish much.

Here are some reasons that I think supernatural cashmere and cotton are a must in a child's life:

1) We are commanded to pray for one another and there is power in prayer.

2) Praying with and over your child, teaches them how to pray and to go to God first and about everything no matter how small.

3) It shows them Who you believe God is.  When you speak to Him as a Father that loves you, as a Warrior, as your Savior, as a Comforter,... they pick up on Who He is.

4) Prayer covers them with His Spirit, His Word, and I pray for my daughter to be filled with His Spirit as well.

5) You get the honor of watching God at work in your child's life as He speaks to you both during prayer and you both watch Him in action as He answers.

6) We may never fully understand but prayer is also spiritual warfare.  We are doing battle on behalf of our child and we understand that spiritually as their parent and as a believer we have authority given to us by their Creator not the enemy.  Our authority through Jesus supersedes any plan he may have for them.

7) We teach our children how to think from the time they are very little.  I want my children to see life and others through Jesus's heart of love not through the world's perspective or their natural tendencies.  As a man thinks so is he.  Our thought life shapes how we pray and how we see our circumstances.  The Word renews our mind and praying with His Word not only produces powerful prayer but shows the true intentions of the heart and helps mold our hearts.

8) Through prayer God promises us His peace which passes all understanding and guards our hearts and minds.  Shew!  Isn't that a lot?!  His supernatural peace and protection over our hearts and minds.  What a Daddy we have!

9) There will be times that prayer will lead to worship and don't get me started about worship!  There is no better way to be covered in His presence than to worship Him.

When these things are a natural part of our lives then they become a natural part of theirs.

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