Sunday, September 28, 2014

Precious Gems

Thank so much, ladies, for your permission to include these cute quotes from your children and grandchildren! ~ Lois

At dinner, Brooklyn (4): "Mom, Chloe Beth (4) is cool! Her so pretty. And her knows her mom's password. We gonna buy stuff." ~ Lauren in Virginia
Logan (6) to little sister, 10 month old Peyton: Mmm you smell like a hot dog, pickles and a genie!  Mommy she smells so good!  ...she just had a bath, and smells like none of the above.  ~ Amanda in Virginia
I thought I had forgotten to pack my makeup bag. I said to Lucy (3), "Good thing I found my makeup."  
Lucy says, "Yeah, 'cause that would be disgusting!" ~ (Grandma) Beth in Virginia
Mom: "Do you remember what the other story that we read last night was about, Liam?" 
Liam (2): "A draaaagon!"
Mom: "Yeah, and what was the knight's name.? Saint . . .?"
Liam: (In a deep, gravely voice) "Darth Vader!"
(This kid hasn't even watched Star Wars yet . . . ) ~ Kristen in Virginia
The other night Maverick (3) and his daddy were sharing a dessert after dinner. Maverick stuck the last piece with his fork and looked at his dad and said, "Too slow, Dad." ~ Leigh Ann in Virginia  
Lexi (4): That is Un-acceptable!
...when I told her that Daddy and I were going to stay home for our anniversary... ~ Vera in Virginia
Me: Brooklyn, you are old enough for Upward Basketball this year. You make the cut-off by 3 day!
Brooklyn: (4): Yessss! I've waited my whole life to play ball!  I gonna shoot the ball and then dance everywhere when I win! ~ Lauren in Virginia 
Bedtime chats with a 2 year old (Liam): 
Liam: "Mama, is God in church?"
Mom: "Well, sort of. God's in heaven, but He can see everything."
Liam: "So is church heaven?"
How to explain this . . . 
Later ... I discovered that part of the confusion may have arisen from the fact that earlier, his daddy, Kirk, told Liam that church was God's house . . . So now Liam wants to know if he's there. ~ Kristen in Virginia
This morning while my 2nd graders were looking up this week's Bible verse, one of my sweet little girls said, "The book of Psalms is FULL of Bible verses!" ~ Cindy in Georgia

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