Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Fifteenth Anniversary for the Heart to Heart Newsletter / Blogs / Missing Newsletters / Subscriber Comments

by Lois Breneman - Heart to Heart - 2014

When I think of all the years the Lord has helped me send this newsletter to so many special ladies all over the world, the words to a song always come to my mind - "To God Be the Glory!  Great Things He Hath Done!" 

In the very beginning (February 1999) I sent out three short e-mails each week.  That changed to a longer newsletter sent once a week for a good while.  Later it was sent twice a week for quite a few more years, before going to once a month, as it is currently being sent.  Since my husband's full retirement last June, we've been able to spend more time visiting our children and do other traveling while we are still able.  Some months it has been difficult to get a newsletter ready in time.   I feel like I am winding down in my strength and energy, in keeping up with all that I should, but keep trudging alone.  By God's grace and with His much-needed help, I will continue as long as He gives me the strength. 
Your prayers and words of encouragement every now and then are very much appreciated along the way!  And now on to the 16th year for "Heart to Heart!"    

I'm learning of ladies all the time who say they know nothing about the two blogs, so here's the information:

Links are shown at the top of every newsletter.
All topics are organized in a categorized list and there is a search bar as well.

Lots of my photography is shown there - a renewed passion in recent years.
From the Main blog, you can easily transfer to the Recipes blog.
Ten different categories of recipes are shown in tabs at the top of the home page.

If you forget the blog links, you can simply do a search for "Lois Breneman - Heart to Heart" and the link will be given.

You Can Help!
If you find any misspelled words or incorrect grammar, please notify me.  I'm not perfect, and you'll be doing me a big favor.  Thanks so much!

If you still want to have "Heart to Heart" coming to your inbox, please send me your old and new e-mail address when you make a change.  If you've been dropped, most likely your e-mail address was changed but you forgot to let me know.  This happens all the time!  In order to be added back to the Master E-mailing List, you can do one of two things:

1.  You can simply reply to any newsletter giving your name, as well as your old and new e-mail addresses, asking to be added back to the list, and your message will come to my inbox.   

2. Or you can do a search for "Lois Breneman - Heart to Heart" and (http://heartfilledhome.blogspot.com), the link to the blog  will appear.  Go to the "Contact" tab at the top to get my e-mail address, and send me your current e-mail address, asking to be added back. 

Comments used by permission

I so much appreciate all the kind words, love, and prayers from each one of you who write! ~ Lois
Thanks! Your newsletters are always inspiring and encouraging! Go with God! ~ Charlotte Steiner in Nicaragua.

Thanks for your newsletter.  It's always uplifting and full of great information. ~ Sue Huey in Georgia (Sue also sent a great kid's quote for Heart to Heart!) 

How I love your newsletters!  You are such an encouragement and definitely the hands and feet of Jesus to me (in newsletter format)! ~ Beth Breon in Pennsylvania  

Thanks so much for these great newsletters! They are so wonderful!!!  I have printed off my newsletters in the past, and I have them from years ago. Take care! ~ Ellen Ericson Wiegman

I wanted to thank you for the love, time, and obvious prayer that goes into each edition of Heart to Heart. What a blessing you are. I love reading the articles, stories, kids quotes, recipes, and yes -- even the info about coupons I cannot get or use. :) heehee  The Lord always uses something in each issue to touch my heart, challenge me in my daily walk with Him, encourage me in a discouraging moment, or just to remind me how much I am loved. Thank you for ministering ... to me, and to so many others. ~ Tracy Coupe in Ecuador

Great newsletter Lois.  I just stopped everything, took a break, and read all the way through.  Thank you so much for your love and dedication to reach out to all of us.   I have been blessed. ~ Joyce Cronin in Virginia 
I love reading your newsletters. They mean so much to me. Would you send me a copy of "A Gracious Woman Retains her Honor"? I would love to have a copy to keep in my Bible.  Thank you so much. Keep up  the good work. ~ Shirley Jones in Alabama

Lois, you have outdone yourself!  Loved this newsletter.  I had never noticed your recipe blog before.  Awesome. I bookmarked it and will check it daily.  Thanks for your service and love. ~ Prudence Kinley-Ruth in Pennsylvania

A friend forwarded your Heart to Heart newsletter to me so I could check it out.  She is apparently on your mailing list now.  I told her who you were (my former college roommate) and that I was very familiar with your newsletter.  She said she was trying to introduce you to as many of her friends as she could as she thought your newsletter was wonderful and she wanted her friends to know about it.  Just thought I'd let you know. ~ Bernadine Teague in Missouri

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