Saturday, April 27, 2013

What's So Healthy about Eggs?

April 21, 2013 By
Look up the nutrition facts for egg yolks, and you will find, it reads more like a multi-vitamin than a food that has been demonized due to its saturated fat content. Just 3 egg yolks, not including the whites, provides over 50% of your daily need for Vitamin D and Selenium, over 40% of Vitamin B12, over 25% of Vitamin B5 and Phosphorous, and over 15% of Iron, Folate, Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, and Vitamin B2. These same three egg yolks also provides 8 grams of protein and 7% of your daily omega 3 fats. Egg yolks also contain the carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin, which are antioxidants believed to help prevent against degeneration and chronic disease.
If it’s the cholesterol in eggs that keep you from eating them, watch this eye-opening documentary, The Great Cholesterol Cover Up. This is a must see movie for all, whether you take a statin drug, have been told you have high cholesterol, or believe saturated fat clogs the arteries and causes heart disease. As a nation we’ve been brain-washed to believe cholesterol is something we must measure, track and lower, as a means of preventing heart disease. But does low cholesterol really equate to better heart healthy? Watch and find out.
If it is not the cholesterol or saturated fat that is the demise of our health and waistline, then what is it? Perhaps this article, What’s If It’s All Been A Big Fat Lie, by Gary Taubes, founder of NuSi and author of Why We Get Fat, can help set the record straight.
Looking for healthy eggs? Check out the Cornucopia’s Institute Organic Egg Scorecard to see how your eggs measure up. Remember, chickens are omnivores not vegetarians, they love to peck the ground and eat bugs. The healthiest eggs are going to come from chickens living in conditions that allow them to spread their wings and roam about foraging the ground for food.
Click here for a step-by-step tutorial on how to Make the Perfect Hard Boiled Egg.

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