Saturday, April 27, 2013

Precious Gems

I do hope all of you moms are recording your children's Precious Gems!  Just scribble them down and save them in an envelope!  You will be so glad some day! ~ Lois

I just received a new project for Carilion, and as I read over it I let out a small moan as the data analysis type is one I don't often get given that I work flex-time. When Addison (9) asked what the project was about, I told him it was a regression analysis. He asked what that meant, so I gave him a simple example and explained that regression uses past data to predict the future. A few minutes later, Addison looked over at me and said, "Mom, you know that regression analysis you're doing for Carilion? That's fortune telling. I don't think you should do it." I am still laughing, and I will never look at regression the same again! :) ~ Ellen Rachel in Virginia
My 2-year-old keeps calling her cow-covered PJ's her "Chick-Fil-A jammies." Someone in their marketing department deserves a raise. ~ Jennifer in Virginia
Ben (3) was playing with a toy and I could tell that he was having trouble putting something together. I asked him if he needed help and he very confidently said, "No, I don't need help from a lady!" ~ Liz Smith in Washington

In science, we have been doing an in-depth study of insects and their designer characteristics. In doing so, we highlighted the whirligig beetle, which has a set of eyes on top of its head and another set on the bottom. As I relayed this fact, I mentioned that this bug is always looking up and always looking down. Without missing a beat, Aidan (6) looked at me and said, "You know how when you're scared of heights, they tell you not to look down? Well, that bug can't do that." :) ~ Ellen Rachel in Virginia 
Mia (4) wore a life jacket all afternoon. She told me she wasn't taking it off until I took her swimming. After I told her in no uncertain terms that we were NOT going swimming today she said, "Well, maybe it will help me fly off into the sky!" ~ Elizabeth in Virginia
So Karis (5) got her first proposal on the playground today: "Hey, you know you are going to marry me when we grow up!" She laughingly and loudly declined but he wasn't to be swayed and kept telling it to her over and over. I told his mom he was welcome to try again in 30 years :) ~ Meagan in Virginia

Savannah (5): "Mom, I think maybe our baby sister is going to be fat."
Me: "What?  Why?"
Savannah:  "Because.  She is making you fat." ~ Lauren in Virginia
Sam (9): "But Mommy I try really hard to be quiet, but stuff just keeps on fallin' outta my face!" ~ Mary in Virginia

Mia (5) is SO torn between wanting to be a dad when she grows up, because they get all the candy, or being the mom who gets to take care of all the babies.  Eva (6) finally told her that she could be the mom AND eat all the candy because she was pretty sure that is what I did when no one was looking! ~ Elizabeth in Virginia 

     Testing day today!  That means two things.....our school year is almost done (yeah) and someone will probably cry.  But no tears yet, just a bit of humor!  My artsy kid, aka Jeremiah (7), was a bit distressed over the instructions, "Do not make any other marks on the page."  He said, "But Mommy, can't I AT LEAST color the pictures with colored pencils?"  Ahh, no kid, sorry!
     My scholarly kids, aka Natalie (6), wanted to take the ENTIRE test all in one sitting and kept saying, "This is so fun, Mommy, but why do they have so many stop signs.  I don't want to stop!" ~ Sarah in Virginia

Malakai (5) telling his daddy about us running errands this morning:  "I was trying to count to 100 and then Mommy stopped next to a tractor and bulldozer and I couldn't talk anymore."  (Once we drove past the construction, he was able to finish!) ~ Danielle in Alabama

Sam (9): "OK...The bees are kind of scaring me, because they are big and fat and jolly..." ~ Mary in Virginia

Savannah (5): "Mom, I don't like the baby's name."  (Name chosen for her second little sister)
Me: "Too bad.  When you grow up, you can name your baby whatever you want."
Savannah: "Only if Ashton agrees."
Kids (5 year old twins): Mommy what are we having for dinner?
Me: Mexican chicken.
Kids: Yummy! We're eating Chinese food!
...need to work on that geography!
~ Danielle in Alabama


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