Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Mom's Super Laundry Sauce


by Lois Breneman

I love this "sauce" version of the homemade laundry soap, which ends up being the consistency of mayonnaise!  Only ONE tablespoon will wash a full load of clothes!  I may have gone overboard making this laundry sauce after my daughter recently showed me how to make it. 

The photo below shows eight batches and it may last me for years, especially since I am now using an *H2O at Home laundry ball in my washer.  The laundry ball is amazing!  It changes the water to the perfect pH balance.  That perfect pH alone cleans the clothes, removes odors, and softens fabrics, but it is suggested that one uses only a quarter of the normal amount of laundry soap per load.  That means less than a teaspoon of this laundry soap will clean an entire load of clothes -- and it does a great job!  I've been very happy with the results, and no fabric softener is necessary.  Sometimes I simply spray garments on a hanger with a mixture of water and essential oil.  I love getting rid of harmful chemicals in my home, and this laundry soap and laundry ball are all natural!  Several drops of essential oils added to the soap make doing laundry a delightful experience!  Really!

Eight bars of Fels Naptha soap were shaved with a chef's knife, then processed in a food processor.  It's much easier and faster than grating it.  Fels Naptha bars were only 99 cents each at Walmart.

 Four cups of water per bar of soap were boiled in a large stock pot before adding the soap shavings.  They need to be stirred until fully dissolved (about 15 minutes).

The recipe in the link above calls for one cup of Arm and Hammer Washing Soda and one cup of Mule Team Borax for each bar of Fels Naptha soap.  After everything was fully dissolved, I scooped the contents into jars, and bowls to set for 4 to 5 hours.

When the time is up, I scooped or poured it into my VitaMix and blended it well.  It looks like mayonnaise or creamy light yellow frosting, so be sure to label each container!

Be sure to read and follow the instructions at the link above!  The instructions and photos are excellent.

* If anyone wants to order an "H2O Laundry Ball," just let me know (jhbreneman@juno.com).  I will get you connected to the right person, and it will be shipped directly to your home.

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