Monday, October 31, 2016

Why ADHD Doesn’t Exist in French Children

The French don’t recognize ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder) as a chemical imbalance that opens the Pandora’s Box of pharmaceutical drug addiction with harmful side effects. 

They don’t raise their kids on fake hyper sugar and chemical processed foods either. Instead, school kids are treated to chefs in training preparing lunch meals from nearby freshly grown produce and local livestock.
In general, the French are more food health conscious than Americans. They believe in fresh well prepared food for all. They don’t allow chemically bleaching wheat flour for white bread. They let the sun do that, which probably enhances micro-nutrients instead of adding toxins.

The ADHD diagnosis rate in America is 19 percent. In France, it’s .5% – a half of one percent. And the socialization of that half percent is not done chemically. It’s done socially and/or with talk therapy, the old fashioned way.

No doubt a lot of fake kiddie cereals that dominate our food aisles are eschewed in France also. That’s probably aided by much less TV advertising of fake foods loaded with food coloring chemicals and sweetened with added excess sugar and HFCS to hook the kids. All of those items contribute to hyperactivity.


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