Friday, October 2, 2015

Precious Gems

Compiled by Lois Breneman
Thanks to all the moms who have given permission for me to share these precious gems!

Chloe Beth (5): "Mama! I know what a home phone is!  It's one of those strings with a can on each end that you talk into, right?"
Well.....almost..... ~ Amy in Virginia
We're driving down the road and Charlotte (4) says: "Mommy! I see a horsey, no it's a pony, wait no it's a unicorn...nevermind it's just another cow."
No unicorn sighting today. ~ Promise in Virginia
Jeremiah (10): When I see those big hair wolf spiders it gives the jiggles! ~ Sarah in Virginia
So, I was getting Natalie ready for bed and Austin (about 5 at the time) comes in. Here's how the conversation goes down.
Austin: Hi Natalie. Aren't you just happy as a Clarke.
Me: (Trying my best not to crack up) What was that buddy? Happy as a what?
Austin: A Clarke.
Me: A Clarke? What kind of Clarke do you mean?
Austin: You know. Like Jennifer Clarke (his mom's sister).
Me: Oh, I see. But it's not Clarke, Austin. It's lark. It's a kind of bird that sings.
Austin: Well that doesn't make any sense!
That was two nights ago, and it still has me smiling. ~ Emily in Virginia

Malakai's (7) soccer shoes are too small for him. I was apologizing because his feet hurt. 
He says, "Well, it IS kind of your fault because you keep making food and I keep eating it so my feet are growing too much!" ~ Danielle in Alabama
Currently lying next to Jocy (7) --
J: "Mom! I have nothing to do except play with the floating dust....What is it? It looks like it is going somewhere important. Like a board meeting." ~ Beth in Ohio
Me: Were you good today at school?
Brooklyn (5): Well, like, I was good sometimes.
Me: Did you go to time out?
Brooklyn: Like only two times.
Bless it. ~ Lauren in Virginia

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