Saturday, March 29, 2014

Real Food Road Trip Snacks

by Kathryn Milliron, Holistic Health Coach - Real Food

Summertime meals vacation time for many families. But often, when on the road to your vacation destination, the choices that you have for food are, shall we say….less than healthy. But you don’t have to be stuck with only fast food and convenience store fare this year. You can bring plenty of healthy, real food snacks that will make everyone happy.
Now when my family travels, we always bring a cooler. It simply gives us far more choices in the snacks that we can bring with us! And unless you are traveling by air, I can’t recommend bringing a cooler with you more!
  1. Homemade Larabars-if you like Larabars, you can make them at home from scratch. These taste great and travel very well too!
  2. Yogurt-whether you make homemade yogurt of have found a good whole fat variety, with a cooler, regular or Greek yogurt is a great addition to your travel cooler.
  3. Fresh fruit and vegetables-chop up some fresh veggies and bring them in containers. You can bring fresh fruits whole, or cube fruits like pineapple and melons.
  4. Dried fruits-homemade or store bought unsulphured dried fruits are great snacks to bring.
  5. Hard boiled eggs-boil up some eggs and throw them into the cooler for a protein rich, hand held snack on the go.
  6. Nuts-nuts that have been soaked and dehydrated are great, healthy, filling snacks for any trip.
  7. Seeds-along with the nuts above, seeds like sunflower and pumpkin seeds can help to fill your tummy on a trip.
  8. Sandwiches- bringing pre-made sandwiches can really help you to avoid the fast food joints along your route.
  9. Hummus-hummus is a great dip for cut veggies or crackers. You can easily make this at home and bring it in a container.
  10. Cheese-bringing cheese cubes is an easy snack that most kids and adults enjoy.
  11. Kale chips-If you are looking for something tasty, but without all of the nasty vegetable oil found in potato chips, then kale chips are a great substitute. These are also pretty simple to make at home and can be made in advance….if you can keep everyone away from them before the trip!
  12. Homemade trail mix-combine your favorite nuts, seeds, dry fruit, and maybe even some dark chocolate chips to share….so good!
  13. Jerky-I do recommend homemade jerky if you are going to bring jerky with you, but this snack is protein rich and tastes wonderful.
  14. Popcorn-I love to pop a big batch of popcorn and snack on it throughout the trip. Easy to make and very portable too!
  15. Homemade chocolate snacks-if your family likes chocolate, you can make your own chocolate snacks in a variety of flavors to bring with you….just make sure you keep them in the cooler if it is hot out or you will end up with a chocolate mess!
  16. Crackers-crackers are easy travelers and can be paired with cheese, hummus or even nut butter! There are some great, easy recipes that you can make at home, to help you avoid the processed ingredients in store bought varieties.
  17. Cookies-bring a batch of homemade cookies and your family will be happy.
  18. Homemade muffins-muffins are very portable, and can be made from scratch with any fruits or even bacon and cheese!
  19. Nut or seed butter- use these to spread on crackers or to dip fruit.
  20. Pickles or olives-easy finger foods to bring along…and if you happen to bring fermented pickles, even better! They will help to keep your digestion on track during your vacation.
Try to plan ahead for the foods that you are going to bring on your vacation. If making homemade snacks, most of the ones on the list can be prepared well in advance and some can be frozen as well (like the cookies and muffins).  Most of all, enjoy your vacation!

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