Saturday, March 29, 2014

Precious Gems

Thank you, ladies, for your permission to include your children and grandchildren's quotes in Heart to Heart!

Amiya (6): "I have used all the thinking in my brain for today." ~ Danielle in Alabama
Friday is career day at school and the kids can dress up like what they want to be when they grow up. There seems to be a differing opinion in our a princess a "career?" ~ Danielle in Alabama

Marcus (10) calls a buddy (land line) and gets a busy signal. He comes running to me yelling "MOM!!! Something's wrong!! It is making this weird beeping sound and I don't know what to do!" Guess I hadn't thought about these sounds that we had growing up that my kids have NO clue what they are (busy signal, left the phone off the hook, dial-up, the sound of a VCR or cassette eating a tape, etc.). ~ Michelle in Virginia

I was babysitting my 5 year old and 2 year old granddaughters this week and the 2 yr. old didn't want to eat what I gave her. The 5 yr. old said, "You get what you get and you don't throw a fit." Then the 2 year old bowed her head and was (I think faking) crying. The 5 year old then said,  "A little drama there!" ~ Ruth Ann in Virginia
Sounds like my house. And this girl cracks me up.
Between two children: "Homemade pizza?? Ugh..." (Last night (every element made lovingly from scratch).
And one child this morning: "These eggs don't taste normal. They are weird..."
And another kid: "You bought bad Greek yogurt! You KNOW what brand I like!"
In the last two days, these children are on thin ice. I sincerely hope they do not risk their own lives by complaining at dinner tonight. Retribution will be swift and fierce and people will probably cry. It's like that. ~ Lauren in Virginia (sharing a friend's gem)

Mommy: "Charity, you are 4 today! Do you feel 4?"
Charity, after a thoughtful moment of silence: "Well, I feel kind of three-ish."
Children say the cutest things! ~ Charlene in Texas
Amiya (6) singing loudly. Malakai (6) says: "Why do you always sing 'joyce'?"
Amiya: "Because I got a lot of 'joyce' in me!" ~ Danielle in Alabama
Samara (4) just asked me if we could go on a hike today, and find some palm trees and knock a coconut out of them. Hmmm....let me think...... ~ Diane in Montana
As we are entering daycare this morning...
Lexi (4): I can walk inside my class by myself today, Mom.
Me: Well, I wanna give you a hug good-bye.
Lexi: Well, You can do that in the hallway! ~ Vera in Virginia
Made a stop at Laura Little's Fudge Shop. Malakai (6) said: "There's nothing healthy in here!"  Exactly! ~ Grandma Bernadine in Missouri

So while putting Raylie (8) to bed today, I told her, "I think you got more beautiful today!" and Raylie responds, "It's not easy being meeee!"  ~ Julie in Washington
Lexi (4): Mom that steak was soooo delicious! If we have that every night for dinner it would open my heart! ~ Vera in Virginia

Ellie (3) is currently taking the 'baby beans' out of her green beans, asking when the baby eggs will hatch, and rocking them while singing, "Rock a Bye Baby." ~ Alisha in West Virginia
Little Johnny comes downstairs crying. His mother asks, “What’s the matter now?”
“Dad was hanging pictures, and just hit his thumb with the hammer,” said little Johnny crying.
“That’s not so serious,” soothed his mother. “I know you are upset, but a big boy like you shouldn’t cry at something like that. Why didn’t you just laugh?"
“I did!” sobbed Johnny.

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