Friday, October 25, 2013

All of God's Creation Points to the Master Designer!

by Maria Hartman - 2013 - Used by permission

ALL of God's creation points to Him, the Master Designer of all...Check this out from my daughter's Science book: Exploring Creation with Zoololgy.

Some birds do the unthinkable and abandon their young chicks, flying south without them. The Bristle-thighed Curlew and the Short-tailed Shearwater actually leave the poor chicks before they have ever flown from their nest. They fly to a distant country thousands of miles away. They leave no directions for their little ones to follow. Yet, as is common with God's magnificent creatures, the little chicks do what God planned for them to do. They jump from their nests, find their own food, fatten up for their flight, and flock together with other abandoned chicks to fly to the very spot where their parents are.  They fly 5,000 miles without ever stopping. How do they know where to go? How do they know not to stop? Remember, these little chicks have never been anywhere before and they have no parents to guide them on their journey. The incredible flights of these and other migratory birds point unmistakably to God....

What a glorious, magnificent God we have!!

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