Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Precious Gems

Ladies, thanks again for giving me permission to include your kids' quotes in the newsletter!

My granddaughter, Ryan (6) excitedly told her daddy that she was going to tell her teacher and her whole class that she was going to go visit all of her grandparents in Virginia over the weekend.  Her dad mentioned to Ryan that if someone else heard that they'd be gone, they might rob their house.  The next day Ryan came home and told her daddy, "I told my teacher and the whole class that we're going to Virginia for the weekend!"  She quickly added, "But don't worry, Daddy!  I made them all promise that they wouldn't rob our house while we're gone!!!" ~ Lois in Virginia

Savannah (6): "Nathan asked me to marry him today. I told him I'd need to consider it for at least a few days."
Dad: "Or about 25 years." ~ Lauren in Virginia

I asked Leila (1) what she was squealing about and Lexi (4) replied, "Maybe her feelings got broke." ~ Vera in Virginia  

Amiya (5) was asking me if her principal was a medical doctor (Dr. ___).  I explained it means she went to school for a long time and she's really smart.  Next question:  "Is that where she learned the song, 'McDonald's McDonald's, Kentucky Fried Chicken and Pizza Hut. Taco Bell & Burger King?' " (With motions, y'all!!) ~ Danielle in Alabama 

John and I were both working on making dinner in the kitchen. I go to get the sugar and it is nowhere to be found. "John, you know where the sugar is?" "No." We canvas the kitchen and still couldn't find it.  A minute or two later, Melody (4) comes in with a big grin on her face and the sugar container in her hand. "What were you doing with the sugar in the living room?" (HUGE smirk) "Snitching." ~ Rosie in Central Asia 

Mia (4) prayed the other night, "Thank you for Oma (Name for her grandma) because even though she is Oma she is also like a friend." ~ Elizabeth in Virginia

Last night Caroline (8) asked me if babies come with directions. I was busy cleaning and quickly answered, "Heck no, we just have to figure it out." She promptly said, " I think you are doing a great job." I smiled and said a quick thanks, but today as I reflect on that, I am smiling from ear to ear. What better compliment could I have received? ~Jessica in Virginia

Amiya (5) has been talking about the "Nice ChristmasTreats" at school for the last 2 weeks. Finally figured out she means "Rice Krispy Treats!" ~ Danielle in Alabama 

This is how prayer went over breakfast this morning:
Brooklyn (3): "Thank you for food and Mom and Dad and Sis and...
"Kendra (2): "Amen! Amen!"
Brooklyn: "Me not done! And baby Harper and Mimi and Grandad and..."
Kendra: "Amen!!!!"
Brooklyn: "NO! Me not done!!! Dats mine amen!!! And Becca and Mike and the beach and friends and trees and..."
Kendra: "Stop it! Amen!!!"
Gotta love our two and three year olds! ~ Lauren in Virginia 

I told Malakai (5) I needed to take out the trash. He raised his eyebrows and said, "No no no no no! I will take it out!"  #meltmyheart #littleman  ~ Danielle in Alabama 

Savannah (6): "I can't believe I cried when I found out Harper was a girl. She's the cutest baby in the world and a boy would just be stinky. I must've been crazy for wanting a brother!" ~ Lauren in Virginia 

Halle (7) says, "Mom, was I right when I told Sarie (sister, age 5), that tomatoes grow on a plant?"
Mom says, "Yes."
Halle:  "Then I don't stand corrected." ~ Grandmother, Becky, & Mother, Sarah in Georgia

Dinner conversation went like this: Gracie (9): Mom, Sophie (one of our neighbor's kids who is 5 or 6) told me she had a boyfriend, and his name is Andrew.
Me: Oh really.
Grace: Yes, but don't worry I told her she was too little for that and that she should wait until she was married to have a boyfriend.
WOW...where do I begin with that one! hahah! ~ Maria in Virginia

This has truly been 'one of those days' with my daughter (9). She keeps telling me she doesn't feel well, and I ask her 'how'? and she says I don't know...I just don't feel good at all. A little while ago, I am in my room and she comes in and lays on my bed and says, 'Mom, I feel like I have been run over by two cows and a girl on a pogo stick!' ooookkkaaayy.....maybe it was better not to know how she was really feeling!!! What a powerful introduction to the world of girl drama I am experiencing! ~ Maria in Virginia 

Logan (5) walked up and started rubbing my belly with a tissue (expecting to deliver 4th baby any day). I asked him what he was doing, and he told me that Peyton has a runny nose. ~ Amanda in Virginia

Gracie (11) just told me, "Ya know, homework is a lot like love."
Mom: "Oh really? How so?"
Gracie, "Sometimes it's easy and sometimes it's hard, but either way you have to do it."~ Penny in Virginia

Levi: "Mama, which one of your friends was alive when God created the world?" ~ Rachel in Virginia  (That was probably me! ~ Lois)

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