Friday, April 1, 2011

Great Healthy Foods Ideas

by Meagan DeLong in North Carolina
   Used by permission

Food I've enjoyed lately...

This is a random post... I just thought I'd share some snacks/easy meals we've enjoyed recently. I am normally a health freak, but having a newborn has definitely made me just grab what is easy :)

1. Yogurt with frozen blueberries -- we usually just eat plain, unsweetened, whole milk yogurt, but one day Karis asked for frozen blueberries and Karlie decided to put them in her yogurt. It has made for a fun, healthy treat that they now ask for often.

2. Tortilla pizzas -- When I make tortillas, I triple the recipe so I have enough for a month or two. So we always have tortillas on hand. I love my pizza dough recipe, but it takes time to roll it out and cook it. Tortilla pizzas take just a minute to fix and only a few minutes to get crispy in my toaster oven. They have saved the day several times when my "scheduled" dinner just did not get made :)

3. Grass-fed beef hotdogs -- I never thought the day would come that I would think a hotdog was healthy and honestly, my girls had never had a hot dog till a couple of months ago! But grass-fed beef hot-dogs are actually really good for you and my girls love them. And they only take a few minutes to heat in a pan or my toaster oven.

4. "Like-Lara bars" -- since I am nursing I am hungry All. The. Time! I love Lara bars because they are natural and contain such few ingredients. But they are expensive. So I've been making my own version, just throwing whatever ingredients I have on hand in the food processor and mashing it in a dish and sticking in the fridge to munch on all day long: some almonds, granola, coconut, sunflower butter, chocolate chips, cinnamon, vanilla, dates, pecans, coconut oil, etc. It never turns out the same because I never measure and don't use the same ingredients. But it is always yummy! The only two necessary ingredients are dates and nuts. The rest are just to make it extra good!

5. Frozen bananas with peanut butter. This is one of my favorite night-time snacks. Frozen bananas taste remarkably like ice cream! I usually add some plain yogurt for a creamy kick as well. Sometimes I will add in some granola and/or coconut flakes to give it a crunch. Or some nutella or chocolate chips to satisfy a chocolate craving!

6. Grilled Salmon with Tomato-Basil Feta butter sauce. We LOVE my cousin's awesome feta salmon recipe, but we enjoy salmon even more when we grill it. Plus, it is an easy dinner that Mark enjoys fixing for us. He just grills the salmon and melts the butter and tomato-basil flavored feta together in an oven-safe bowl on top of the grill. Then we pour the yummy sauce over our salmon right before eating it. Easy and Delish!

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