Friday, April 1, 2011

04/01/11 Trust, Marriage, Quick Fixes, Butterflies, Spelling, Parenting, Healthy

A categorized storehouse of information for you from past newsletters
Compiled especially for you with love by Lois Breneman
April, 2011 Trust, Marriage, Quick Fixes, Butterflies, Spelling, Parenting, Healthy

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You will find a great amount of Easter information from all the previous Heart to Heart newsletters on the blog.  It is too much to send by e-mail each year, so I hope you will be able to access whatever you need by using a library if you do not have Internet at home.

You can find "Easter" quickly by two methods:
Use the "Search Bar" on the top left - OR -
Use the "Categories" list in the sidebar on the right. 

Thanks to Jalisa Wenger in Pennsylvania for sending this!

When you turn a corner in your life and questions rage inside, and no one gives you answers, trust the Father’s heart.
Such simple trust is not a thing
to take lightly.
Sometimes, it sounds too easy.

Sometimes, it sounds too hard,
just to trust the Father’s heart.
But the One who gives the sparrow a nest,
and knows when each one falls,
the same One who clothes a lily when it pushes up through the sod,
this same God –
we can trust our Father’s heart.
He is faithful toward all His creation
and has a plan unlike our own.
The future may seem uncertain
and the path unclear at times,
but He alone
knows how to bring beauty from ashes,
if we can but trust the Father’s heart. 

-Rebecca Barlow Jordon
Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him:
but I will maintain mine own ways before him.
Job 13:15

Fear not, O land; be glad and rejoice:
for the LORD will do great things. Joel 2:21

by Eileen Rife - Used by permission

Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.  Isaiah 40:31 (NIV)

We've been married almost 35 years, and we love each other in a deeper, more satisfying way than the day we said, "I Do."  But that love has not always come easy or without cost. 

In order to truly love someone, you have to experience the deep places of pain and agitation. Times when you feel so bewildered and frustrated you could just scream. Times when you want to walk out the door and not look back. Times of great loss. Times of disagreement when the solution is cloudy and you see no resolution in sight. This is the stuff of life that God uses to mold a marriage made in heaven. Indeed, marriage will test every fiber in your spiritual fabric. 

The struggle to grow a godly marriage can be downright wearisome at times. But God promises the time invested is well-worth the effort. He promises to renew our strength, to mount us up with wings like eagles, if we will commit ourselves and our marriages to Him.

It all begins with the mating ritual. The eagle is a beautiful example of lifelong commitment. In search of a worthy mate, the female eagle flies upside down to capture the eye of a prospective mate. The male eagle who will fly over the female and grip her talons, not letting go, even as she plummets toward the ground below, is the one who has proved that he will remain with her for life. As they both almost crash to the ground, the female releases her hold and flies upright. She is satisfied that her hero has risked everything to prove his love for her. 

In the same way, a woman needs to know that her man will lay down his life for her if need be. And a man needs to know that his wife will surrender to his lead.

Furthermore, the eagles are equipped with a six to eight foot wingspan that enables them to fly long distances, as much as three to four thousand miles at a time. In the same way, mates need to know that the other is committed for a lifetime, for better or worse, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, until death due them part.

Like the eagle, godly marriages go the distance.

Copyright © 2011 Chuck and Eileen Rife - Lifetime Growth Publications

If just a few of these "Time and Money-Saving Tips" help make your life easier, it will be worth it! 

Some of these tips are "Frustration-Saving Tips" as well!

Stripped Screw Hole ~ My husband stuffs a piece of steel wool into the enlarged hole for a tighter fit.

Loose Screw
~ Dab the head with shellac just before tightening.

Can't Find Philips-head Screwdriver
~ For a small job, try the tip of your potato peeler. Keeping a small Philips screwdriver near your kitchen may solve the problem.

No Ruler in Sight
~ Measure the exact width of your hand with your thumb and pinky spread.  Then carry your ruler with you wherever you go for quick measuring.

Sanding Hard-to-reach Places
~ Use emory boards

Door Sticks in Humid Weather ~ Slide a bar of soap along the doorjamb to create a nonstick barrier

Drawers Don't Open and Close Smoothly
~ Rub a bar of soap on the drawer where it slides to make it glide more easily.

Kitchen Sink Won't Drain ~ To break up grease clogs, pour 1/2 cup baking soda and 1/2 cup vinegar down the drain, then flush with boiling water.  Try this before calling a plumber or using other measures.

A Lightbulb Breaks Off in the Socket ~ Unplug the fixture or turn off power at the main service panel.  Spread open needle-nose pliers inside the broken base and turn counterclockwise to unscrew.  If that doesn't work, cut a raw potato in half, press it into the broken lightbulb,and turn counterclockwise to remove the broken bulb.

Small Tears in Screen ~ To prevent bugs from coming in, plug tiny rips with clear nail polish.

The Toilet Won't Stop Running
~ If adjusting the float or flapper doesn't work, use the shutoff valve at the base of the toilet to fill the tank as needed until you get replacement parts.

Overflowing Washing Machine from Too Many Suds
~ If too much soap was accidentally put into the machine, eliminate the suds by adding a capful of fabric softener or Murphy's Oil Soap.

Wobbly Table ~ Slice a piece of cork to fit the leg and glue to the bottom of the short leg.

Stuck Window ~ Position a block of wood at various places on the window sash and lightly tap with a hammer.  Fasten felt or fleece on the wood with glue stick to protect the paint.

Rattling Window
~ Windows won't rattle when a few corn pads from the drug store are glued to the frame so there's a better fit.

Can't Find Flashlight in Dark
~ Paint handles with luminous paint so you will be able to find them easily in the dark.

In Case of Emergencies ~ Be knowledgeable about the location and use of your home's shutoff valve on your gas, water, oil and main electricity supplies.  Then practice turning them off in preparation for any possible emergency.  Lubricate all uncooperative valves, or replace them with easier-to-operate ball units.

Gunk on the Bottom of an Iron ~ With an old cloth on the ironing board, iron a fabric softener sheet to remove the gunk.

Not-So-Fragrant Rooms ~ As I was ironing a fabric softener to remove gunk from the bottom of my iron, the fragrance increased.  Although that was a few weeks ago, my sewing room still smells great, so use this tip for more fragrance at a much lower cost than Plug-ins!
Make Your Own Seed Strips when ready to plant, by spreading seeds out in a straight row on a table, spaced the way you want them planted in your garden.  Carefully lower cellophane tape over them, pressing very lightly - just enough to pick up the seeds and not have the tape stick to the table.  Now you have seed strips to plant, with the seed facing up.  Check the seed packet for how much soil to use in covering the seeds.

by Lois Breneman - 2011 - Heart to Heart

I am so glad God gives us richly all things to enjoy!  Birds, flowers, and butterflies are such fascinating and beautiful creations that the Lord gave us as His free entertainment, if we just take the time to enjoy them.  This last year I've especially enjoyed the beauty all around me, with my camera in hand!  Capturing a butterfly in a photograph has taken my breath away many times, as minute features I had never seen before are now visible.  As I have zoomed in on the detailed features of flowers, birds and butterflies, I have been blessed during many sacred moments of worshiping my Creator.

If you want to attract butterflies to your yard and garden, here are a few suggestions.

Grow purple and white flowers.  Purple is the favorite color of butterflies, although they will certainly sip from flowers of other colors as well.  I found they also love white, red, yellow, and orange.  Marigolds seem to lure large yellow and gold butterflies.

Plant white clover instead of ordinary grass, even in a small section of your yard, for a fragrant lawn that butterflies will find irresistible.

Butterfly bushes and hollyhocks attract a variety of colorful butterflies.  Garlic chives produce white airy flowers in mid to late summer, which I found loaded with butterflies and bumblebees that didn't chase after me while photographing within inches of them. 

Butterflies love to sip from a stream or puddle, so if you don't have a stream nearby, fill a shallow white or purple bowl with fresh water, so they can stop by and sip.  I found and photographed as many as fifteen yellow tiger swallowtail butterflies huddled together in a shallow part of our backyard stream, and later read that this ritual is called "puddling."  They do this to sip minerals from the water and soil.  Isn't it amazing how God builds into butterflies exactly what they need to survive?

If you do just one thing to attract butterflies, plant a purple butterfly bush.  They are inexpensive, grow quite rapidly, are extremely hardy, and the butterflies love the elongated brilliant purple blossoms!  And so do I!

by Lois Breneman - Copyright 1999 - Heart to Heart
I'd love to read other nonsense stories, written to help with spelling. 
No doubt your children could do better than these!

A Nonsense Story Using "ei" Words

Spelling Rule: Use "i" before "e" except after "c" and in words which have a vowel sound as in "neighbor" and "weigh."

The foreign heiress had to forfeit her reign at the height of her popularity, because of her conceited spirit.  When she did, her people seized her veil, her weird counterfeit crown, and the receipt for all her royal freight.  They carried everything away in their sleighs and received each other as neighbors.  When she heard how they had deceived her, all her weight hit the ceiling and burst a blood veinNeither of her eight children would help.  Her husband wouldn't either.  So ends this tragic story of conceit and deceit.

A Nonsense Story for Plurals

Spelling Rule:  For "f" and "fe" words, usually drop the "f" or "fe" and add "ves," except in the following, add "s."

The giraffes climbed up the cliffs onto the roofs with handcuffs on their hoofs, of which we have many proofs.  They were seen by chiefs and dwarfs.  The chiefs have secret beliefs printed out about dwarfs in their safes.  One is that when dwarfs die, the chiefs are all required to show their griefs by blowing their nose in their handkerchiefs!
March 28, 2011

A Game to Raise the Awareness Level

Here’s an interesting and enjoyable game that can be played over several hours or a few days. You may choose to play this game on a car trip or when hanging out at home together on a Saturday afternoon. The game is the "Whoops" and "Ahhh" Game. Playing it can be a lot of fun and it helps you recognize common forms of speech that aren’t very honoring. Choose a few hours when you'll all be together interacting.

Announce the beginning of the game and explain how it's played. "We will look for five types of dishonoring speech: arguing, boasting, whining/complaining, talking too much, and being bossy. Anyone who hears dishonoring speech from children or adults says "Whoops!" Everyone then tries to guess which type of dishonoring speech they heard. The family then works together to offer honoring suggestions.

When Bill says, "Aren't we there yet," in that whiny voice, his sister, Karen might say "Whoops!" You can identify that as whining and suggest that Bill ask his question in a more honoring way.

At the same time everyone is on the lookout for honoring speech that includes praise, gratefulness, compliments, and affirmation. If Karen says, "Thanks Dad, for taking us on this trip." Dad can say, "Ahhh."

To keep it fun, you might occasionally say something dishonoring on purpose to earn a "Whoops!" You might say, "I sure am a good driver." This will earn you a "Whoops!" for boasting followed by an interesting discussion of your alternatives.

Be sure to set an end time to the game. Although the evaluation can be helpful for a time, too much analysis can get irritating and loses its fun.

By the way, if you try this game, let us know how it went. We enjoy the responses from these tips and like to hear what things work best.

What are some ways you've been able to teach honoring speech in your family? Click here to tell us about it. 
This tip comes from the book Say Goodbye to Whining, Complaining, and Bad Attitudes in You and Your Kids,       by Dr. Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller, RN, BSN.  

If this tip was sent to you by a friend and you'd like to continue to receive tips yourself, you can sign up at  Used by permission

Sewing and Crafts Tutorials ~ Thanks to Debbie Klinect in Florida for this link! 

"I Spy" Mat ~ A cute craft for parents and grandparents to 
do with children!  Looks easy and would be a great idea for 
traveling with kiddos. ~ /
 Thanks to Barb Campbell in Mississippi for this tip!
Mark Your Calendars for September 30 ~ Thanks to 
Debbie Klinect in Florida for this information!
Four  men, one calling: To serve and protect. When tragedy 
strikes home, these men are left wrestling with their hopes, 
their fears, their faith, and their fathering. Protecting the 
streets is second nature. Raising their children in a 
God-honoring way?  That's courageous.    
In Theaters September 30.   For more information visit:

by Max Lucado in his book When God Whispers Your Name
Thanks to Annamarie Kresge in Virginia for sending this!

It's quiet. It's early. My coffee is hot. The sky is still black. The world is still asleep. The day is coming.

In a few moments the day will arrive. It come roaring in with the rising of the sun. The dawn's stillness will be exchanged for the noise of the day. The calm solitude will be invaded by decisions and deadlines. For the next twelve hours, I will be exposed to the day's demands.

Now I must make a choice. Because of Calvary, I'm free to choose. And so:

I CHOOSE LOVE...No occasion justifies hatred; no injustice warrants bitterness. Today I will love God and what God loves.

I CHOOSE JOY...I will invite God to be the master of circumstances. I will refuse the temptation to be cynical, the tool of the lazy thinker. I will refuse to see people as anything less than human beings created by God. I will refuse to see any problem as anything less than an opportunity to see God.

I CHOOSE PEACE...I will live forgiven. I will forgive so that I may live.

I CHOOSE PATIENCE...I will overlook the inconveniences of the world. Instead of cursing the one who takes my place, I'll invite him to do so. Rather than complain that the wait is too long, I will thank God for a moment to pray. Instead of clenching my fist at new assignments, I will face them with joy and courage.
I CHOOSE KINDNESS...I will be kind to the poor, for they are alone. Kind to the rich, for they are lonely. And kind to the unkind, for such is how God has treated me.

I CHOOSE GOODNESS...I will be broke before I'll take a dishonest dollar. I will be overlooked before I will boast. I will confess before I will accuse.
I CHOOSE FAITHFULNESS...Today I will keep my promises. My debtors will not regret their trust. My associates will not question my word. My spouse will not question my love. And my children will never fear that I will not come home.
I CHOOSE GENTLENESS...Nothing is won by force. I choose to be gentle. If I raise my voice may it be only in praise. If I clench my fist, may it be only in prayer. If I make a demand, may it be only of myself.
I CHOOSE SELF-CONTROL...I am a spiritual being. After this body is dead, my spirit will soar. I refuse to let what will not, rule the eternal. I will be drunk only by joy. I will be impassioned only by my faith. I will be influenced only by God. I will be taught only by Christ.
To these I commit my day. If I succeed, I will give thanks. If I fail, I will seek His grace. And then, when this day is done, I will place my head on my pillow and rest with the peace that passes all understanding.

"Savannah, drink your milk, because it makes you healthy and then you don't get sick easily."  Savannah (3) replied, "Actually, Mom, sanitizer does that." ~ Lauren in Virginia

Karlie (2): My nose is running!
Mark (Daddy): Where is it running to?
Karlie: To Nina and Papa's house! ~ Meagan in North Carolina

Mark (Daddy): Do you like the blue team or the white team?
Karlie (2): White team!!
Karis (3): I don't like the blue team or the white team; I just like pink!! ~ Meagan in North Carolina

Sam (5) said, "I don't need to have birthdays anymore ... because if I don't get bigger anymore, then what's the point in having a birthday?!?" ~ Tiffany in Colorado

I was working outside and Eva (3) said, "Mommy, I've got a job to do."  I asked her what she had to do and she said, "I've got to tell people about Jesus." ~ Elizabeth in Virginia

Tonight Eva (3) said, "Mommy, I know how to get rid of stage fright.  You go out on the stage, close your eyes, take a deep breath, then blow, and it blows the stage fright away."  I love being a parent! ~ Elizabeth in Virginia

by Meagan DeLong in North Carolina
   Used by permission

Food I've enjoyed lately...

This is a random post... I just thought I'd share some snacks/easy meals we've enjoyed recently. I am normally a health freak, but having a newborn has definitely made me just grab what is easy :)

1. Yogurt with frozen blueberries -- we usually just eat plain, unsweetened, whole milk yogurt, but one day Karis asked for frozen blueberries and Karlie decided to put them in her yogurt. It has made for a fun, healthy treat that they now ask for often.

2. Tortilla pizzas -- When I make tortillas, I triple the recipe so I have enough for a month or two. So we always have tortillas on hand. I love my pizza dough recipe, but it takes time to roll it out and cook it. Tortilla pizzas take just a minute to fix and only a few minutes to get crispy in my toaster oven. They have saved the day several times when my "scheduled" dinner just did not get made :)

3. Grass-fed beef hotdogs -- I never thought the day would come that I would think a hotdog was healthy and honestly, my girls had never had a hot dog till a couple of months ago! But grass-fed beef hot-dogs are actually really good for you and my girls love them. And they only take a few minutes to heat in a pan or my toaster oven.

4. "Like-Lara bars" -- since I am nursing I am hungry All. The. Time! I love Lara bars because they are natural and contain such few ingredients. But they are expensive. So I've been making my own version, just throwing whatever ingredients I have on hand in the food processor and mashing it in a dish and sticking in the fridge to munch on all day long: some almonds, granola, coconut, sunflower butter, chocolate chips, cinnamon, vanilla, dates, pecans, coconut oil, etc. It never turns out the same because I never measure and don't use the same ingredients. But it is always yummy! The only two necessary ingredients are dates and nuts. The rest are just to make it extra good!

5. Frozen bananas with peanut butter. This is one of my favorite night-time snacks. Frozen bananas taste remarkably like ice cream! I usually add some plain yogurt for a creamy kick as well. Sometimes I will add in some granola and/or coconut flakes to give it a crunch. Or some nutella or chocolate chips to satisfy a chocolate craving!

6. Grilled Salmon with Tomato-Basil Feta butter sauce. We LOVE my cousin's awesome feta salmon recipe, but we enjoy salmon even more when we grill it. Plus, it is an easy dinner that Mark enjoys fixing for us. He just grills the salmon and melts the butter and tomato-basil flavored feta together in an oven-safe bowl on top of the grill. Then we pour the yummy sauce over our salmon right before eating it. Easy and Delish!

 I pray each one of you found something to bless, encourage and teach you in this edition!
     Please remember to pray for each dear Heart to Heart lady and her family as you receive this.   
So many ladies are going through very tough times and need our prayers!
    Some have lost loved ones and others have lost jobs, homes, or their good health.
    Pray each day for the protection of our troops, as well as for their families left at home!
     God bless    you and your family and keep you in His loving care!
    And remember, I love to hear from you dear ladies!
 Your Heart to Heart friend  

Disclaimer: Various websites may be given as credits or to supply additional information for readers.  However, all the views and advertisements represented by websites in this newsletter are not necessarily the views of the editor.  Please use your own discretion and common sense regarding all information given in this newsletter.


Butterflies Are Free Entertainment!

by Lois Breneman - 2011 - Heart to Heart

I am so glad God gives us richly all things to enjoy!  Birds, flowers, and butterflies are such fascinating and beautiful creations that the Lord gave us as His free entertainment, if we just take the time to enjoy them.  This last year I've especially enjoyed the beauty all around me, with my camera in hand!  Capturing a butterfly in a photograph has taken my breath away many times, as minute features I had never seen before are now visible.  As I have zoomed in on the detailed features of flowers, birds and butterflies, I have been blessed during many sacred moments of worshiping my Creator.

If you want to attract butterflies to your yard and garden, here are a few suggestions.

Grow purple and white flowers.  Purple is the favorite color of butterflies, although they will certainly sip from flowers of other colors as well.  I found they also love white, red, yellow, and orange.  Marigolds seem to lure large yellow and gold butterflies.

Plant white clover instead of ordinary grass, even in a small section of your yard, for a fragrant lawn that butterflies will find irresistible.

Butterfly bushes and hollyhocks attract a variety of colorful butterflies.  Garlic chives produce white airy flowers in mid to late summer, which I found loaded with butterflies and bumblebees that didn't chase after me while photographing within inches of them. 

Butterflies love to sip from a stream or puddle, so if you don't have a stream nearby, fill a shallow white or purple bowl with fresh water, so they can stop by and sip.  I found and photographed as many as fifteen yellow tiger swallowtail butterflies huddled together in a shallow part of our backyard stream, and later read that this ritual is called "puddling."  They do this to sip minerals from the water and soil.  Isn't it amazing how God builds into butterflies exactly what they need to survive?

If you do just one thing to attract butterflies, plant a purple butterfly bush.  They are inexpensive, grow quite rapidly, are extremely hardy, and the butterflies love the elongated brilliant purple blossoms!  And so do I!

Nonsense Stories to Help with Spelling

by Lois Breneman - Copyright 1999 - Heart to Heart

I'd love to read other nonsense stories, written to help with spelling. 
No doubt your children could do better than these!

A Nonsense Story Using "ei" Words

Spelling Rule: Use "i" before "e" except after "c" and in words which have a vowel sound as in "neighbor" and "weigh."

The foreign heiress had to forfeit her reign at the height of her popularity, because of her conceited spirit.  When she did, her people seized her veil, her weird counterfeit crown, and the receipt for all her royal freight.  They carried everything away in their sleighs and received each other as neighbors.  When she heard how they had deceived her, all her weight hit the ceiling and burst a blood veinNeither of her eight children would help.  Her husband wouldn't either.  So ends this tragic story of conceit and deceit.

A Nonsense Story for Plurals

Spelling Rule:  For "f" and "fe" words, usually drop the "f" or "fe" and add "ves," except in the following, add "s."

The giraffes climbed up the cliffs onto the roofs with handcuffs on their hoofs, of which we have many proofs.  They were seen by chiefs and dwarfs.  The chiefs have secret beliefs printed out about dwarfs in their safes.  One is that when dwarfs die, the chiefs are all required to show their griefs by blowing their nose in their handkerchiefs!

Great Healthy Foods Ideas

by Meagan DeLong in North Carolina
   Used by permission

Food I've enjoyed lately...

This is a random post... I just thought I'd share some snacks/easy meals we've enjoyed recently. I am normally a health freak, but having a newborn has definitely made me just grab what is easy :)

1. Yogurt with frozen blueberries -- we usually just eat plain, unsweetened, whole milk yogurt, but one day Karis asked for frozen blueberries and Karlie decided to put them in her yogurt. It has made for a fun, healthy treat that they now ask for often.

2. Tortilla pizzas -- When I make tortillas, I triple the recipe so I have enough for a month or two. So we always have tortillas on hand. I love my pizza dough recipe, but it takes time to roll it out and cook it. Tortilla pizzas take just a minute to fix and only a few minutes to get crispy in my toaster oven. They have saved the day several times when my "scheduled" dinner just did not get made :)

3. Grass-fed beef hotdogs -- I never thought the day would come that I would think a hotdog was healthy and honestly, my girls had never had a hot dog till a couple of months ago! But grass-fed beef hot-dogs are actually really good for you and my girls love them. And they only take a few minutes to heat in a pan or my toaster oven.

4. "Like-Lara bars" -- since I am nursing I am hungry All. The. Time! I love Lara bars because they are natural and contain such few ingredients. But they are expensive. So I've been making my own version, just throwing whatever ingredients I have on hand in the food processor and mashing it in a dish and sticking in the fridge to munch on all day long: some almonds, granola, coconut, sunflower butter, chocolate chips, cinnamon, vanilla, dates, pecans, coconut oil, etc. It never turns out the same because I never measure and don't use the same ingredients. But it is always yummy! The only two necessary ingredients are dates and nuts. The rest are just to make it extra good!

5. Frozen bananas with peanut butter. This is one of my favorite night-time snacks. Frozen bananas taste remarkably like ice cream! I usually add some plain yogurt for a creamy kick as well. Sometimes I will add in some granola and/or coconut flakes to give it a crunch. Or some nutella or chocolate chips to satisfy a chocolate craving!

6. Grilled Salmon with Tomato-Basil Feta butter sauce. We LOVE my cousin's awesome feta salmon recipe, but we enjoy salmon even more when we grill it. Plus, it is an easy dinner that Mark enjoys fixing for us. He just grills the salmon and melts the butter and tomato-basil flavored feta together in an oven-safe bowl on top of the grill. Then we pour the yummy sauce over our salmon right before eating it. Easy and Delish!

Precious Gems

April, 2011
"Savannah, drink your milk, because it makes you healthy and then you don't get sick easily."  Savannah (3) replied, "Actually, Mom, sanitizer does that." ~ Lauren in Virginia

Karlie (2): My nose is running!
Mark (Daddy): Where is it running to?
Karlie: To Nina and Papa's house! ~ Meagan in North Carolina

Mark (Daddy): Do you like the blue team or the white team?
Karlie (2): White team!!
Karis (3): I don't like the blue team or the white team; I just like pink!! ~ Meagan in North Carolina

Sam (5) said, "I don't need to have birthdays anymore ... because if I don't get bigger anymore, then what's the point in having a birthday?!?" ~ Tiffany in Colorado

I was working outside and Eva (3) said, "Mommy, I've got a job to do."  I asked her what she had to do and she said, "I've got to tell people about Jesus." ~ Elizabeth in Virginia

Tonight Eva (3) said, "Mommy, I know how to get rid of stage fright.  You go out on the stage, close your eyes, take a deep breath, then blow, and it blows the stage fright away."  I love being a parent! ~ Elizabeth in Virginia

I Choose

by Max Lucado in his book, When God Whispers Your NameThanks to Annamarie Kresge in Virginia for sending this!

It's quiet. It's early. My coffee is hot. The sky is still black. The world is still asleep. The day is coming.

In a few moments the day will arrive. It come roaring in with the rising of the sun. The dawn's stillness will be exchanged for the noise of the day. The calm solitude will be invaded by decisions and deadlines. For the next twelve hours, I will be exposed to the day's demands.

Now I must make a choice. Because of Calvary, I'm free to choose. And so:

I CHOOSE LOVE...No occasion justifies hatred; no injustice warrants bitterness. Today I will love God and what God loves.

I CHOOSE JOY...I will invite God to be the master of circumstances. I will refuse the temptation to be cynical, the tool of the lazy thinker. I will refuse to see people as anything less than human beings created by God. I will refuse to see any problem as anything less than an opportunity to see God.

I CHOOSE PEACE...I will live forgiven. I will forgive so that I may live.
I CHOOSE PATIENCE...I will overlook the inconveniences of the world. Instead of cursing the one who takes my place, I'll invite him to do so. Rather than complain that the wait is too long, I will thank God for a moment to pray. Instead of clenching my fist at new assignments, I will face them with joy and courage.

I CHOOSE KINDNESS...I will be kind to the poor, for they are alone. Kind to the rich, for they are lonely. And kind to the unkind, for such is how God has treated me.
I CHOOSE GOODNESS...I will be broke before I’ll take a dishonest dollar. I will be overlooked before I will boast. I will confess before I will accuse.

I CHOOSE FAITHFULNESS...Today I will keep my promises. My debtors will not regret their trust. My associates will not question my word. My spouse will not question my love. And my children will never fear that I will not come home.

I CHOOSE GENTLENESS...Nothing is won by force. I choose to be gentle. If I raise my voice may it be only in praise. If I clench my fist, may it be only in prayer. If I make a demand, may it be only of myself.

I CHOOSE SELF-CONTROL...I am a spiritual being. After this body is dead, my spirit will soar. I refuse to let what will not, rule the eternal. I will be drunk only by joy. I will be impassioned only by my faith. I will be influenced only by God. I will be taught only by Christ.

To these I commit my day. If I succeed, I will give thanks. If I fail, I will seek His grace. And then, when this day is done, I will place my head on my pillow and rest with the peace that passes all understanding.

Tips and Tidbits

Sewing and Crafts Tutorials ~
Thanks to Debbie Klinect in Florida for this link! 

"I Spy" Mat
~ A cute craft for parents and grandparents to do with children! Looks easy and would be a great idea for traveling with kiddos. ~
/ /easy-gift-for-kids-i-spy-mat.html 

Thanks to Barb Campbell in Mississippi for this tip!

Mark Your Calendars for September 30 ~ Thanks to 
Debbie Klinect in Florida for this information!
Four  men, one calling: To serve and protect. When tragedy 
strikes home, these men are left wrestling with their hopes, 
their fears, their faith, and their fathering. Protecting the 
streets is second nature. Raising their children in a 
God-honoring way?  That's courageous.    
In Theaters September 30.   For more information visit: 

Parenting Tip: A Game to Raise the Awareness Level

March 28, 2011

Here’s an interesting and enjoyable game that can be played over several hours or a few days. You may choose to play this game on a car trip or when hanging out at home together on a Saturday afternoon. The game is the "Whoops" and "Ahhh" Game. Playing it can be a lot of fun and it helps you recognize common forms of speech that aren’t very honoring. Choose a few hours when you'll all be together interacting.

Announce the beginning of the game and explain how it's played. "We will look for five types of dishonoring speech: arguing, boasting, whining/complaining, talking too much, and being bossy. Anyone who hears dishonoring speech from children or adults says "Whoops!" Everyone then tries to guess which type of dishonoring speech they heard. The family then works together to offer honoring suggestions.

When Bill says, "Aren't we there yet," in that whiny voice, his sister, Karen might say "Whoops!" You can identify that as whining and suggest that Bill ask his question in a more honoring way.

At the same time everyone is on the lookout for honoring speech that includes praise, gratefulness, compliments, and affirmation. If Karen says, "Thanks Dad, for taking us on this trip." Dad can say, "Ahhh."

To keep it fun, you might occasionally say something dishonoring on purpose to earn a "Whoops!" You might say, "I sure am a good driver." This will earn you a "Whoops!" for boasting followed by an interesting discussion of your alternatives.

Be sure to set an end time to the game. Although the evaluation can be helpful for a time, too much analysis can get irritating and loses its fun.

By the way, if you try this game, let us know how it went. We enjoy the responses from these tips and like to hear what things work best.

What are some ways you've been able to teach honoring speech in your family? Click here to tell us about it.
This tip comes from the book Say Goodbye to Whining, Complaining, and Bad Attitudes in You and Your Kids, by Dr. Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller, RN, BSN.

If this tip was sent to you by a friend and you'd like to continue to receive tips yourself, you can sign up at  Used by permission

Twenty Quick Fixes

If just a few of these "Time and Money-Saving Tips" help make your life easier, it will be worth it! 

Some of these tips are "Frustration-Saving Tips" as well!

Stripped Screw Hole ~ My husband stuffs a piece of steel wool into the enlarged hole for a tighter fit.

Loose Screw
~ Dab the head with shellac just before tightening.

Can't Find Philips-head Screwdriver
~ For a small job, try the tip of your potato peeler. Keeping a small Philips screwdriver near your kitchen may solve the problem.

No Ruler in Sight
~ Measure the exact width of your hand with your thumb and pinky spread.  Then carry your ruler with you wherever you go for quick measuring.

Sanding Hard-to-reach Places
~ Use emory boards

Door Sticks in Humid Weather ~ Slide a bar of soap along the doorjamb to create a nonstick barrier

Drawers Don't Open and Close Smoothly
~ Rub a bar of soap on the drawer where it slides to make it glide more easily.

Kitchen Sink Won't Drain ~ To break up grease clogs, pour 1/2 cup baking soda and 1/2 cup vinegar down the drain, then flush with boiling water.  Try this before calling a plumber or using other measures.

A Lightbulb Breaks Off in the Socket ~ Unplug the fixture or turn off power at the main service panel.  Spread open needlenose pliers inside the broken base and turn counterclockwise to unscrew. 
If that doesn't work, cut a raw potato in half, press it into the broken lightbulb,and turn counterclockwise to remove the broken bulb.

Small Tears in Screen ~ To prevent bugs from coming in, plug tiny rips with clear nail polish.

The Toilet Won't Stop Running
~ If adjusting the float or flapper doesn't work, use the shutoff valve at the base of the toilet to fill the tank as needed until you get replacement parts.

Overflowing Washing Machine from Too Many Suds
~ If too much soap was accidentally put into the machine, eliminate the suds by adding a capful of fabric softener or Murphy's Oil Soap.

Wobbly Table ~ Slice a piece of cork to fit the leg and glue to the bottom of the short leg.

Stuck Window ~ Position a block of wood at various places on the window sash and lightly tap with a hammer.  Fasten felt or fleece on the wood with glue stick to protect the paint.

Rattling Window
~ Windows won't rattle when a few corn pads from the drug store are glued to the frame so there's a better fit.

Can't Find Flashlight in Dark
~ Paint handles with luminous paint so you will be able to find them easily in the dark.

In Case of Emergencies ~ Be knowledgeable about the location and use of your home's shutoff valve on your gas, water, oil and main electricity supplies.  Then practice turning them off in preparation for any possible emergency.  Lubricate all uncooperative valves, or replace them with easier-to-operate ball units.

Gunk on the Bottom of an Iron ~ With an old cloth on the ironing board, iron a fabric softener sheet to remove the gunk.

Not-So-Fragrant Rooms ~ As I was ironing a fabric softener to remove gunk from the bottom of my iron, the fragrance increased.  Although that was a few weeks ago, my sewing room still smells great, so use this tip for more fragrance at a much lower cost than Plug-ins!

Make Your Own Seed Strips when ready to plant, by spreading seeds out in a straight row on a table, spaced the way you want them planted in your garden.  Carefully lower cellophane tape over them, pressing very lightly - just enough to pick up the seeds and not have the tape stick to the table.  Now you have seed strips to plant, with the seed facing up.  Check the seed packet for how much soil to use in covering the seeds.

A Marriage That Soars

by Eileen Rife - Used by permission

Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.  Isaiah 40:31 (NIV)

We've been married almost 35 years, and we love each other in a deeper, more satisfying way than the day we said, "I Do."  But that love has not always come easy or without cost.

In order to truly love someone, you have to experience the deep places of pain and agitation. Times when you feel so bewildered and frustrated you could just scream. Times when you want to walk out the door and not look back. Times of great loss. Times of disagreement when the solution is cloudy and you see no resolution in sight. This is the stuff of life that God uses to mold a marriage made in heaven. Indeed, marriage will test every fiber in your spiritual fabric.

The struggle to grow a godly marriage can be downright wearisome at times. But God promises the time invested is well-worth the effort. He promises to renew our strength, to mount us up with wings like eagles, if we will commit ourselves and our marriages to Him.

It all begins with the mating ritual. The eagle is a beautiful example of lifelong commitment. In search of a worthy mate, the female eagle flies upside down to capture the eye of a prospective mate. The male eagle who will fly over the female and grip her talons, not letting go, even as she plummets toward the ground below, is the one who has proved that he will remain with her for life. As they both almost crash to the ground, the female releases her hold and flies upright. She is satisfied that her hero has risked everything to prove his love for her.

In the same way, a woman needs to know that her man will lay down his life for her if need be. And a man needs to know that his wife will surrender to his lead.

Furthermore, the eagles are equipped with a six to eight foot wingspan that enables them to fly long distances, as much as three to four thousand miles at a time. In the same way, mates need to know that the other is committed for a lifetime, for better or worse, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, until death due them part.

Like the eagle, godly marriages go the distance.

Copyright © 2011 Chuck and Eileen Rife - Lifetime Growth Publications

Trust the Father's Heart

Thanks to Jalisa Wenger in Pennsylvania for sending this!

When you turn a corner in your life

and questions rage inside,
and no one gives you answers,
trust the Father’s heart.
Such simple trust is not a thing
to take lightly.
Sometimes, it sounds too easy.
Sometimes, it sounds too hard,
just to trust the Father’s heart.
But the One who gives the sparrow a nest,
and knows when each one falls,
the same One who clothes a lily
when it pushes up through the sod,
this same God –
we can trust our Father’s heart.
He is faithful toward all His creation
and has a plan unlike our own.
The future may seem uncertain
and the path unclear at times,
but He alone
knows how to bring beauty from ashes,
if we can but trust the Father’s heart.

-Rebecca Barlow Jordon

Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him:
but I will maintain mine own ways before him.
Job 13:15

Fear not, O land; be glad and rejoice:
for the LORD will do great things. Joel 2:21