Friday, October 19, 2018

Peanut Butter Suet to Attract a Variety of Birds

by Lois Breneman - Heart to Heart - 2018

This recipe attracts a wide variety of birds to our sundeck and provides entertainment and opportunities to capture birds in action via photographs as well.

Birds that love this suet recipe are:
Carolina Wrens
House Wrens
Red-bellied Woodpeckers
Downy Woodpeckers
Tufted titmice
Black-capped Chickadees
House Finches

We've also had starlings and crows from time to time, but not often.  When they come, I just bring the suet inside for a day or so and the problem is gone. 

I never found the need to measure when I made this suet until several people asked for the recipe.  Basically, it should be the consistency of playdough.  I use the least inexpensive ingredients and figured the cost of this recipe to be about $10, which is certainly well worth the enjoyment it brings!

Peanut Butter Suet

1 large can of shortening (2 lb, 10 oz.)
1 large container of peanut butter (4 lb.)
1 bag of all-purpose flour (5 lb.) plus at least 6 more cups
   (Cornmeal or other flour may be used - even buggy flour but no salt or other ingredients)


1.  In a large basin, cream the shortening and peanut butter with a hand mixer. 
2.  Gradually add in the flour, mixing well before adding more.  If you can mix in a little more flour than a 5 lb. bag and 6 cups, go ahead.  You may need to use a large metal spoon toward the end of mixing.
3.  The birds like it either way but it's less sticky if you can incorporate a little more flour.

I used to form the suet into cakes, but find it's easier to store it in empty shortening cans and scoop it out onto small dishes as needed.  I serve it on small Pfaltzgraff snack trays that I got for 29 cents each at an outlet, but saucers would work as well.  Press the suet onto the dish.

Because of squirrels and raccoons, I bring in the suet each evening and set it out every morning.  So far we have seen no bears on our deck, and we'd like to keep it that way.  When I set it out in the morning the birds hear the kitchen door and sometimes they are at the feeders before I get inside the house.  I hope I'm not turning them into "welfare birds" as my husband sometimes jokingly calls them, but he enjoys watching them and learning the different varieties and their antics.

As far as beautiful songbirds though, if you make this suet, they will come!  They much prefer this over suet on which I've wasted my money.

Below are just a few photos I've taken from inside my kitchen as the suet attracts a good variety of birds to our sundeck, trees, and backyard! 

Another fun hobby has developed from making this suet and photography.  I enjoy making handmade cards from some of the photos, although I make too many cards to send so I package one or more in cellophane envelopes to use as little unexpected gifts.

Happy Birdwatching!

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