Saturday, February 28, 2015

How to Make Fresh Ginger Paste

by Lois Breneman - Heart to Heart - Revised 2015

Ginger helps aid in digestion and does so much more.  Check out the article on "Ginger Benefits" in the side bar to see other reasons to include this in your diet as often as possible. Ginger also adds great flavor to many soups and countless other dishes! 

Pureed ginger paste is available to purchase in small jars at your grocery store.  But I'll share with you how you can easily save money by making your own ginger paste that will be even more fresh than jarred ginger. 

Buy a large hunk or two of ginger root in the produce department of the grocery store.  Cut it apart into easy-to-peel sections, and peel with a vegetable peeler, or scrape with a spoon - whichever works best for you. Slice all the peeled ginger into about 1/2-inch chunks, and put them into a Vita Mix or a good blender with a little water and olive oil.  You will want it to be the consistency of paste, so just add a tiny bit of liquid at first.  Blend until smoothly pureed, and spoon the ginger paste into Tupperware midget cups, very small containers, or an ice cube tray, and freeze for adding flavor, zip, and nutritional benefits to many dishes.  I keep one small container handy in the refrigerator door to add to recipes.

For delicious lemon-ginger tea, drop a few slices of fresh ginger root into a large teacup with a lemon zinger teabag.  Fill with boiling water and steep (covered) for about 5 minutes.  Add stevia and enjoy! 

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