by Nancy Marlow -- Used by permission
Earlier I posted an article regarding the value of lemons to our health, with some benefits better than chemotherapy! Someone asked me to post the results when I did it. So here goes . . .
Wash an organic lemon very well and then freeze in a plastic bag.
When completely frozen, grate the entire lemon. You can use the grated
lemon any way you want - sprinkle on ice cream salad, or any food you
like, add to smoothies, or make lemonade.

The article said that lemon peels contain
compounds that are a thousand times more powerful than Andriamycin, a
drug found in chemotherapy. The lemon peels only act on the malignant
cells and do not damage the healthy cells. Chemo, on the other hand,
destroys the malignant AND healthy cells. Lemon peels also can eliminate
feelings of anxiety and irritability and can help regulate blood
To try it out, I made a small bowl of oatmeal, sprinkled a teaspoon
of lemon peel on top, along with three drops of Stevia. I loved it!
My daughter also made us an omelet for breakfast. I sprinkled a teaspoon over
my eggs and added a little goat cheese. Great! Before you wrinkle up
your nose (as my daughter and granddaughter did when I told them what I had done),
try it yourself!
I put the grated peel in a small container and then put the rest of
the lemon into the food processor with a little water. Then I put the
pureed lemon into an ice cube tray to freeze for lemonade.