by Barbara Lea Campbell
Used by permission
Used by permission
I was reading in Galatians yesterday in chapter 6. I love verse 2.
Just a wonderful command for us. I decided to do a bit of digging and
look up the original meaning of the word "bear" (I love going back to
original language and meaning). Bear here means to take up with hands,
to put upon one's self to be carried, to sustain, support.
To me, it is a picture of not just being concerned about someone's situation, but doing something about it. No doubt there are many situations we can do nothing about. I can't cure your parent's disease or bring your rebellious child home, but I can listen. I can give you a break if you are a caregiver. I can provide a meal. I can help around your house. I can do "whatever" to lighten your load if only for a bit. And I can pray, not just a one-time prayer but I can come along side you and pray fervently for your situation.
To me, it is a picture of not just being concerned about someone's situation, but doing something about it. No doubt there are many situations we can do nothing about. I can't cure your parent's disease or bring your rebellious child home, but I can listen. I can give you a break if you are a caregiver. I can provide a meal. I can help around your house. I can do "whatever" to lighten your load if only for a bit. And I can pray, not just a one-time prayer but I can come along side you and pray fervently for your situation.
When I do this.. reach out and help
in whatever way I can, Gal 6:2 tells me I am fulfilling the Law of
Christ. I am sure someone who has a great deal more theological
knowledge than I would have a grand explanation. But yesterday as I
pondered this I kept thinking of Jesus being asked by the Pharisee which
commandment was the greatest and He replied, "You shall love the Lord
your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your
mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it:
You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments
depend all the Law and the Prophets."
I'm thinking when I carry your burden for a bit, pray for you and do whatever, I can to lighten your load. Then I am loving you as myself and obeying Christ which is an outward display of my love for God. I am hoping I am able to lighten a few loads today through the power of Christ in me.
I'm thinking when I carry your burden for a bit, pray for you and do whatever, I can to lighten your load. Then I am loving you as myself and obeying Christ which is an outward display of my love for God. I am hoping I am able to lighten a few loads today through the power of Christ in me.