by Lois Breneman - 2016
1. What can you do when you have a watermelon with a less-than-desirable flavor? Not sweet enough?
Chop it up and put it in the blender with a bit of stevia!
Delicious solution!

2. How can you make quick work of slicing strawberries?
Cap the strawberries. Then slice them quickly and effortlessly using an egg slicer!

3. What can you do when a houseplant, a peace lily that you love, blossoms and drops powdery white dust all over the green leaves?
Cut off the blossom, shake off the powder, stick the blossom in a vase, and put it on the windowsill, so you can enjoy it every time you wash dishes, and pray for the friend who gave you the plant! This blossom lasted over a month and is still as lovely as ever. I love the beautiful shade of green.
And to my sweet friend, Beatriz, thanks again! The beautiful peace lily you so kindly gave me several years ago is still going strong!